Seperti yang dimaklumkan, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) telah menjemput GABEM menghadiri satu sesi taklimat GTFS pada 22 Disember 2009 di BNM. Taklimat tersebut telah disampaikan oleh wakil Kementerian Tenaga, Teknologi Hijau dan Air dan Credit Guatantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad (CGC). Skim GTFS dibuka untuk pemohon IKS melalui institusi kewangan berkuatkuasa 1 Januari 2010.
Announcement of Green Technology
April 2009 - Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water was extablished during the Cabinet resheffle.24 July 2009 - National Green Technology Policy was launched by the Prime Minister
Definition of Green TechnologyThe development and application of products, equipment and systems used to conserve the natural enviroment and resources which minimize and reduces the negative impact of human activities.
Criteria for green technology
Minimum degradation to the enviroment
- Has zero / low green house gas emission
- Safe for use and promotes healthy and improved enviroment for all forms of life
- Conserves the use of energy and natural resources
- Promotes the use of renewable resourcesPolicy Statement
- Green Technology shall be a driver to accelerate the national economy and promote sustainable development.
- To minimize growth of energy consumption while enhancing economy development.
- Facilitate the growth of the Green Technology industry and enhance its contribution to the national economy.
- Increase national capability and capacitu for innovation in GT development and enchance competitiveness.
- To ensure sustainable development and conserve the environment for future generations
- To echance public education and awareness and encourage it widespread usa.
- The National Green Techology Policy is built of four pillars:
- Energy - seek to attain energy independence and promote efficient utilization
- Environment - conserve and minimize the impact on the on environment
- Economy - enhance the national economic development through the use of technology
- Social - improve the quality of life for all
1. Energy sector.
2. Energy supply sector - application of GT in power generation and energy supply side management.
3. Energy utilization sector - application of GT in all energy utilization sectior and in demand side management programs.
4. Building sector - contruction, management, maintenance and demolition of building.
5. Water and waste management sector - management and utilization of water resources, waste water treatment, solid waste and sanitary landfill.
6. Transportation sector - transportation infrastructure and vehicle in bio fuels and public road transport.
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